Hartselle Intermediate School's Tiger Way Kindness Agents


Character.org recognized Hartselle Intermediate School’s “Tiger Way Kindness Agents” initiative as a 2019 Promising Practice. This recognition is given to schools who have implemented unique, specific, and effective character development strategies, and Hartselle Intermediate is one of 6 Alabama schools recognized in 2019.

Hartselle Intermediate School was in the middle of an intentional character development journey when school counselor Allyson Hamilton, a member of their Tiger Way Character Team, made the suggestion of an initiative where students complete acts of kindness. This concept was embraced by the Character Team and developed into the Tiger Way Kindness Agent initiative. Hartselle describes their award-winning practice this way, “Tiger Way Kindness Agents identify and implement acts of kindness through initiatives that reach students, faculty, staff, parents, and members of the community.”

While the idea originated from a staff member, the practice is now student driven. Students apply to be part of the group, and those involved have meetings twice a month before the school day begins to brainstorm and plan their acts of kindness. They aim to target particular groups within the school and community with the goal of “building self-esteem and promoting positive self-image.” Fifth and sixth grade Kindness Agents are assisted by the school counselor to covertly and anonymously complete their work to spread smiles. Examples of these activities are welcoming notes written to new students, positive bookmarks hidden in library books, special treats for staff members, a bake sale to benefit a student with health issues requiring medical equipment and community clothing drives.

These Kindness Agents address both Principle 2 and 4 of Character.org’s 11 Principles Framework, ensuring that the school both “defines ‘character’ comprehensively to include thinking, feeling, and doing” and “creates a caring community.” Hartselle Intermediate has even placed Kindness in the center of their school’s core values, and their touchstone (recited daily) includes “we show caring through service and kindness.”

Assistant Principal Debra Harvel Kreps shares the outstanding survey responses she attributes to the work of Kindness Agents. “Responses to surveys show that over 80% of our students believe that everyone is treated with respect in the building and that they have opportunities to help others. The actions of the Kindness Agents are a major reason for these positive results... Our Kindness Agents help set the standard other students emulate. This initiative is a vital part of our character program and makes our school a better place… We want students to connect kindness with being a successful, productive human being. Our Kindness Agents are the embodiment of that practice and role models for our community.”

The Hope Institute is thrilled to remain partnered with Hartselle Intermediate School as their character journey continues.

Click here to read more about Hartselle Intermediate School’s “Tiger Way Kindness Agents” initiative.